Sukagawa, Yamanouchi is located near the entrance to the Kita-Shiga Kogen Highlands, where buckwheat has long been grown and handmade soba noodles are served at celebrations and other occasions. Sukagawa soba, made from 100% local buckwheat flour and using the fibers of oyamabokuchi leaves as a thickener, has a strong texture and is served at soba restaurants and guest houses.Hard-boiled shredded daikon radish is mixed with buckwheat flour dissolved in water. It is called “Hayasoba” (fast buckwheat noodles) because the amount of daikon (radish) is larger than that of buckwheat flour, making it look as if it is cut into buckwheat noodles, and because it can be made in a short period of time. Sakae Village and Sukagawa in Yamanouchi Town are the only places in Nagano where it is made, and it cannot be found outside of the prefecture.